
Archive for May, 2009

After all this time,
my mind still turns to you.
Our love of embers still burning
in the halls of my memories of you.
Still reaching for the feel of you,
next to me.
The sweet smell of you,
the sound of your sleeping breath,
bringing peace to my aching soul.
Where ever you may be this morning,
know out there in the cold cold night,
there is one who loves you
beyond all that is precious to me.
After all this time,
I still love you.   

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We knew immediately that there was something very special between us.
It happened in the first moment our eyes met and our hands touched.
We reached into our minds within the same second for a prior memory of us.
The memory was a distant eternal calling of another time and dimension.
We both knew, it was not of this time, in this space, in this moment.
Both of our eyes wanted to turn away in embarrassment,
as our faces flushed in the awkwardness of the moment.
A warm recalling passion overtook our thoughts. 
We mouthed our formal greetings,
like children at play.
Our voices slightly breaking in forming the words,
of formal greeting.
An instant heat played upon our lips,
and in the electric of our hands touching.
We knew in that very moment,
a lifetime of prior lovers,
had been before this moment in time.
Without reason for the meeting to linger,
we regretfully broke the magic that bound us.
Where we meant to be rejoined again?

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The item itself,
was of no great value.
It was a matter of principle with me.
Keeping track of things in my life,
seemed important to me.
It was my way of confirming to myself,
that I had control in my life ,
and over my life.
The truth was, I did not.
I looked for days
for that item.
Sometimes checking the same place,
more than a half a dozen times.
This was at a time in my life,
that I was asking God,
if my life was pleasing to Him,
and I was serving His will.
A place that I had looked into
many times before,
a black zippered bag,
I opened it,
and looked into it,
the sixth time.
To my utter surprise,
with a chill of discovery,
the item laid plainly
before my eyes. 
The item was now there.
Was it a mircle rendered to me?
Was I blinded to seeing it before?
Did God, give me sight,
where I had none before?
God speaking to me in His way?
Thank you God,
for hearing me,
for loving me,
and letting me know,
You are
truly God.

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On this day,
the Master revealed
His greatest gift to mankind.
This gift was rendered on a mountain of stone,
reflected on a setting sun,
to a multitude of many,
in one of the many lessons,
given to multitudes in those years. 
The question,
that came toward the end of that day
was, “ Master, what is the greatest gift,
that God gives to all of us?”  asked the young
man in the multitude of that day.
The Master replied,
“The greatest gift that my Father gives to all,
is the secret of Forgiveness.
In rendering forgiveness to ones self,
and also forgiveness of others,
does a sinner reveal,
the keys to heaven,
and the eternal Love of our Father.
Forgiveness assures the eternal love of the Father,
and being in the arms of His Love forever.”
so said the Master of my life,
on this day.

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The night sky was a deep black with blazing stars over the Master and His disciples, this particular night along the sea of Galilee.
It was a time of quiet contemplation of the beauty of God’s work.
Within the group of His disciples, one disciple had a troubling question.
With reverence he approached the Master with his question.
“Does God’s Love for us have bounds when remembering our sins in His Eternal Memory?” asked the disciple quietly, as to not disturb the other men in the group.
The Master lifted His Head toward the night sky and pointed His finger to a bright star saying, “As you look upon the stars in the night sky, many have long changed in form, and are no more. 
The distance is so great in the travel of that light,
that we still see those suns prior to their changing of form. 
So in the breath of God’s Love for us,
it is also beyond the width, depth and height of such distances from us.
Since His Love for us is unconditional, so is His memory of our sins.
In asking His forgiveness of our sins, their memory no longer exists in eternity.”
So spoke that night,
the Master of My Life. 

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It was a simple glass bottle,
that gave me a gift of song,
that day.
It was a beautiful sunny day,
on the waterfront side of my home.
With a fresh cold, iced beer,
I sat on the back porch.
The breeze was beautiful as diamonds of light,
sparkled off the water before me.
A curious thing happened as I slowly drank that beer.
The outside wind played through the empty part of the bottle. 
A song, like no other, played through the glass.
It was a haunting song of eons,
from another time.
As I drank more liquor from the bottle,
the song changed in pitch to a sweeter song.
It came to me at that moment,
that God’s gifts to us are never ending.
In prayer,
I gave thanks to God,
for His gifts to me,
that day,
and the song of the bottle.

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It was a long day of preaching and answering many questions by the Master.
Toward the end of the day an ancient elder of the nearby village asked the
Master the following question.
” Master,”  he shouted above the multitude,
“Tell us of the Last Judgement.”
The Master replied,
” The Judgement Bench sits before the Gates of Heaven.
On this day Trillions of souls will stand before this bench.
The total of all the eternal souls that have been born and died in eternity.
The scales of judgement will be in the total hearts of all.
Each soul will stand before all in total recall of all the details,
of their lives on the physical earth.
No trespass will be hidden,
no hurt upon others forgotten,
but revealed to all,
to see, to feel within,
their own individual spirits.
The sincerity of one giving up themselves
to Jesus will also lay in the balance of judgement.
To those, that the scales of justice weigh
heavily against them,
the gates of hell will swallow them
for their last time to an eternity of suffering,
without the light of God before them.
To those, who died with repent on their lips,
to those who gave their lives to Christ in their lives,
with deeds of love and goodness,
to these,
the Gates will then open,
to an eternity of peace and joy.
So, it will be on that day,
that all will stand
before the Judgement Bench,”
so said the Master of my life,
on this day.

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Flickering candles at the doorway to eternity.
The time of our lives in this world,
seemly not worth noting in the scheme of the universe.
Yet, our God in his Love for us,
fills our lives with such joy,
in knowing Him.
Beyond the valley of tears,
Beyond the lost of love,
beyond the caverns of fear,
beyond the dark rooms of hell itself,
He has brought us to bath in His light of Love.
Lives of ticking seconds,
streaming in light years of
moving hours around a dying sun.
Should we not spend each day,
in good works in His glory, worship, and honor?
Only by His individual touch in the mircle of
our births,
can we understand this grand gift given to us.
A gift to be able to find our ways again,
in being rejoined again,
with the Master of our eternal fates.

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I awoke with a start this A.M.
One thirty in the morning,
like it was getting up time.
My mind reviewed my life,
in what seemed a ten minute review.
I realized that my happiness,
was not an on going thing,
but living each day with punches
of emotion from time to time.
Flashes of awareness of time
coming to a dimming light.
I thought of shopping
at the grocery store
the other day.
The dark haired young lady,
a black sweater,
jeans, and flowing
black hair.
Passing me in the aisle,
both of us,
avoiding the other’s eyes,
afraid to confront the other,
in passing.
At the last moment,
we looked at each other.
Her face flashed into an
explosion of a smile toward me.
All I could do,
was sheepishly,
smile back.
I thought,
“What is this old fart,
smiling at this beautiful,
young woman;
what does she see in me,
to bring such a smile?”
Perhaps she saw,
the ghost of my youth passing.
At that moment,
I thought,
“Life has it’s moments,
flashes of insight coated in
sheer delight and happiness,
a sliver of time,
in our daily lives.”   

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I tried to think of a gift,
that would be special to you.
A gift of treasure that would endure,
thru the days of your life.
Would gold and jewels,
things that could rust,
and turn to dust,
in the sands of time,
be such a gift?
I think not,
for the earth holds many trinkets from the ages.
Trinkets buried deeply in the earth,
long forgotten of their purpose.
Forgotten of the song, they held, so long ago.
I give thee my words of my heart,
that are enclosed within the eternity of my soul.
Eternity, with such a gift,
that will go beyond the decaying trinkets of the earth.
If it is God’s will that death should temporary seperate us,
this gift shall be my seal of love,
to clothe you in the light of my love,
and carry you forward to the day,
we shall meet again in the eternity that is before us.
It will be a place without pain,
hurt, or further sorrow for us.
A place where we shall again open the seal of my love.
A place where we will laugh again in joy each day,
in the wonder of our love.

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