
Archive for the ‘A Thanksgiving Poem by John J. Rigo’ Category

Taken Sunrise on Black Friday, November 25th 2011 in Gun Barrel City on Cedar Creek Lake in Texas at OZ our lakehome

The following poem from my first published book, has been a favorite  poem for many years.  It has been republished several times in the Dallas Morning News, The McKinney Courier Gazette, and various major web sites.  From my family to yours, our best wishes and blessings.  

Over the last year, I am especially appreciative of all the positive feedback I have received on this WordPress web site.  Thank You All!

Blessings, a special gift from God.
Given in prayer
given when no hope
seems apparent.
Blessings bring joys
when there is darkness
laughter where there are tears.
Could these blessings be
but tears from God?
A way that our God lets us know,
that He truly is there
and yes
He does exist?
At times these gifts are given
when never expected
to let us know
truly love and concern
is there for us all. 
If you have forgotten on this day
the many special blessings rendered to you.
In this blessed thing called Life.
Get on your knees
render thanks to our God.
He will only bless you
with more of His eternal Love.

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