
Archive for the ‘My WordPress Hero for 2013 by John J. Rigo’ Category

Courtesy of westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com

Courtesy of westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com

I have been with the WordPress family a long time.  This blog represents my second major blog with WordPress.  My last blog of poetry reached twenty-five thousand hits before I closed it, renamed it and reposted it to this current blog.  There is not enough room on this posting to relate how important in my life my WordPress family has become to me.  It fills a void in my life in replacing, “slap you on your back” friends that all of us have, or have known in life. 

Picking favorite followers over the last several years would be a difficult task indeed.  There have been posters who for a time have been very faithful in the reading of my work, that have commented and shared and a great deal on my blog, then as quickly as they came into my life, they left again, not to be heard from again, except on rare occasions. 

Over the last year there has been one follower in my WordPress family that I want to take time to personally salute, and demonstrate in this small way, my admiration for him, and his passionate work in his blog in the WordPress family.  Over the last year I have learned a great deal about him, in our sharing of comments and e-mails between us.  In this posting, I will not share my personal knowledge of him because the blog he oversees, I have no doubt places him in daily danger.

It seems to me in this day and age, under our present government, a fear that many of us cannot really explain, has overcome the majority of the middle class educated American citizens of this country.  There is not a part of the day, that our fear increases in observing what our federal government, under President Obama is doing to destroy our nation.  We are all becoming more and more fearful of becoming targeted by our very own government, when we speak out against our freedoms being taken from us.

This gentleman, his blog, his daily posts, which average between “300 to 400 daily,” give us all insight as to what is happening to our country, behind the scenes of our controlled media.  The site that I speak of  is: http://brittius.com 

This individual who refers to himself as a reincarnation of a Roman General, has proved to me what the best there is in WordPress friendships, and insight in the real reality of our world today.  His site should become one of the most important WordPress sites you refer to on a daily basis.

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