
Archive for the ‘“Rainbows Amidst Storms” Second Published Book’ Category

Courtesy of Google search

A beautiful day beckoned.
The sides of the hills were golden
with fields of grain. 
The Cypress trees were green
among great expanses of gleaming flat rocks.
An ideal day born for the enjoyment of the sun
and the wondrous words of the Master.
The crowd began to thin toward the afternoon sunset.
The Master was weary.
Many were the questions of the day.
The answers required much of His strength to loudly speak
the words of wisdom to the crowd. 
As the Master prepared to depart
a young man in the crowd shouted a question
in His direction.
The Master’s followers tried to quiet the man
to preserve their Lord‘s voice.
They knew He was exhausted from the
long day of preaching.
The young man shouted again,
“Master, what can I do in my life that would be
pleasing to my Lord and God?”
In hearing this question
the crowd stopped movement
in their departure.
The crowd turned as one toward
where the Master stood.
Raising up to His full height
the Master looked over the crowd
with the kindest of smiles and He said,
“The mirrors of your own souls are within the eyes of
your brothers and sisters.
If you see hunger in those eyes around you
break the bread and share it.
If you see sorrow
share your tears with your brethren.
If fear overcomes your neighbors
stand with them
for numbers overcome fear.
Above all of these
love your neighbor
as you love your children.
My love protects your brethren
as it protects you.
This sharing of your love in my Father’s name
will be pleasing to your Lord and God.
In this sharing of your love without reserve
without reward
without a counting
will you be given
the glories of eternity.”
These words were spoken this day 
by the Master of my life.

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.....is never lost.  Picture courtesy of John J. Rigo copyrighted 2013

…..is never lost. Picture courtesy of John J. Rigo copyrighted 2013

A ship in the sea of life
riding each wave of life
seeking the warm sun of each day.
The beauty of each dream as night falls
is never lost as it heads
toward the curve of each horizon.
Storms will blow
onward do we flow
in love and courage
by His hand.
Tomorrow brings the knowing in His love
the vastness of the ocean
is not so alone.
As long as we believe
we will never be alone.
For His love
surpasses all of this.
This and time beyond
this brief sea of life.          



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Courtesy of sion.hr

Steely the night shown against iced blackness
with a white diamond star blazing in the heavens.
Hints of soft voices whispered in the wind.
The weary shepherds pushed forward on their staffs
looking forward to the comfort of their tents.
Beyond the hills the sky glowed.
A choir of voices was heard with a sweet clarity
the sound of bells vibrated among the sound of horns.
The animals spooked deaf to the commands of their masters.
The wind increased in its volume and strength.
The shepherds were filled with fear.
Light overshadowed the darkness
during the midst of night.
Within the light formed
the most beautiful soft
white and gold of human-like forms
shining against the sky.
The shepherd’s breath stopped in their throats.
Filled with excitement and happiness beyond their capacity to describe
their skin prickled.
Heavenly voices brought words to their ears
words singing of kindness
and anticipation to these men of the field.
The voices told of a special child that would
unlock the gates of fear and bring eternal love
to the future of the world.
This happened on a special night
a long long time ago. 




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Courtesy of sion.hr

Steely the night shown against iced blackness
with a white diamond star blazing in the heavens.
Hints of soft voices whispered in the wind.
The weary shepherds pushed forward on their staffs
looking forward to the comfort of their tents.
Beyond the hills the sky glowed.
A choir of voices was heard with a sweet clarity
the sound of bells vibrated among the sound of horns.
The animals spooked deaf to the commands of their masters.
The wind increased in its volume and strength.
The shepherds were filled with fear.
Light overshadowed the darkness
during the midst of night.
Within the light formed
the most beautiful soft
white and gold of human-like forms
shining against the sky.
The shepherd’s breath stopped in their throats.
Filled with excitement and happiness beyond their capacity to describe
their skin prickled.
Heavenly voices brought words to their ears
words singing of kindness
and anticipation to these men of the field.
The voices told of a special child that would
unlock the gates of fear and bring eternal love
to the future of the world.
This happened on a special night
a long long time ago. 




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.....is never lost.  Picture courtesy of John J. Rigo copyrighted 2013

…..is never lost. Picture courtesy of John J. Rigo copyrighted 2013

A ship in the sea of life
riding each wave of life
seeking the warm sun of each day.
The beauty of each dream as night falls
is never lost as it heads
toward the curve of each horizon.
Storms will blow
onward do we flow
in love and courage
by His hand.
Tomorrow brings the knowing in His love
the vastness of the ocean
is not so alone.
As long as we believe
we will never be alone.
For His love
surpasses all of this.
This and time beyond
this brief sea of life.          



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Courtesy of theo2011.blogspot.com

The meal was simple
one of bread, fruits, and vegetables from the field.
The conversation was good-natured
and spirited among the men.
He sat among them quietly
with a smile of love upon His gentle face.
These men had been with Him for many months.
They were closer than His brothers of birth.
He called to the server for a bowl of water
and a simple cloth to wash His hands.
They stopped speaking and turned to Him.
They knew the time to listen had come.
With courage the one closest to Him asked,
“Master, how am I to know the face of evil?”
The Serpent takes many forms,” said the Master.
He placed His hands together
each fingertip touching the other
forming a circle.
“Within this circle appears air
and nothing to fear
but I say unto you
the Serpent can take any shape or form
seeminly without consequences of punishment or terror,”
said the Master.
“At the beginning of eternity
when my Father make your souls
an awareness of knowing evil.
He rendered to your souls an eternal power against evil.
When my inner voice speaks to you
know then
my brothers
evil is next to you.”
The Masters‘ eyes lifted upward
and cautioned,
“Only by crying out your God‘s name
will you be protected from Evil.”
Then He lowered His head sadly lamenting,
“To ignore this warning will place you in the hold
of the serpent
and you may become forever lost.
So I say to you
your heavenly Master and Father
I love you beyond the value or joys of this world.
Keep your faith
and ye shall be with us
in love and light in eternity.”
so He spoke to me,
the Master of my life. 

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With the passing of time
I have come to realize that there are truly
spaces that are never filled
by the loss of friends who were very personal
to my mind and heart.
Through the years
do the memories of Cliff and Tom
constantly come to my mind.
Never are they dead in my heart.
I see each of them
special in their concern for me
as the friends they were to me
and yes the love they rendered to me.
Have they been replaced in the void left by their absence?
No one has accomplished that.
Cliff was the short, large man from the deep South
always with a tale of lesson and advice not wanted
but when given
seemed well placed.
He spoke of home and craw-fish
his Mother and his victories in life
never of his losses.
You knew he was special
a special person to know.
The same stories he related never got old
just deeper in meaning.
The straight-laced
IBM type of guy was Tom.
He seemed to have found victories too early in his life
burning, dying as a shooting star.
An anger was present about him that could never be explained.
Tom loved a good meal and good drinks.
Save the waiter or waitress who spoke too much while serving!
He was there to savor the moment
should it be his last.
As Tom’s life was coming to an end
he maintained his pride to the last minute in a VA hospital
wearing a blue blazer that no longer fit;
no one cared about his past.
I miss Tom’s advice to me,
his laughter at my watch
that he thought was such a great sales job
because I had to push a button
to tell time.
His loud laughter rang in the night
raising high his special drink
to wish me and all
the best of life.
I miss both of these men.
They were the special friends of a lifetime
never to be replaced.
They are in my heart each day
with the warmest of love to my dearest friends
Cliff and Tom.
Whenever you both may be
in the great wonder of it all
I am one person
who misses you both
oh……….. ever so much.

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lightofheavenAs death comes closer to my door

my eyes, though weak, seem to become clearer

about what I see about me.

Something about the look of God’s creations

that I did not notice before now

In seeing this creation

a wonderment stops my breath.


Is it the sound of wind singing

that I had not noticed before now?

Is it the vastness of the night skies filled with a beauty

beyond words that I cannot describe?


I find myself noticing beauty in people

a beauty that before

I did not see.

I see beauty in the old, the sick

the visions that I used to turn away from seeing

but no longer do.

 I feel the pain and joy of other people

I used to not feel such things.

The laughter of a child

ringing like a heavenly bell,

pealing in a meadow

sounds in my ears.

Is this God’s way of saying

“Look at what you have missed earlier in your life?”

I am not sure

but I do know

now I have become more thankful.

More thankful each day

for the gifts God has given to me.


I seem to be getting closer to heaven each day.

I now know, what I see, hear and Feel

are all but a small part of what will be in God’s world.


I can only hope

that in this twilight of my life

I might become worthy

in the areas that I have been unworthy.

May I be worthy of the love and blessings

He has given me in this life.

Thank you God

for this day.


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Courtesy of backwoodsmama.com

Courtesy of backwoodsmama.com

Set aside your burden at my manger.
I have come to give My Love to you.
Side aside your fears
put away your tears.
Have I not promised by my arrival
eternal, everlasting joy to you.
Light beyond sight
sound in tune with angels’ voices
singing in My Love for you.
Come closer and bathe in my light.
Look into my eyes and see the innocence
in the truth of My Love
and care for you
now and forever. 

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Courtesy of sion.hr

Steely the night shown against iced blackness
with a white diamond star blazing in the heavens.
Hints of soft voices whispered in the wind.
The weary shepherds pushed forward on their staffs
looking forward to the comfort of their tents.
Beyond the hills the sky glowed.
A choir of voices was heard with a sweet clarity
the sound of bells vibrated among the sound of horns.
The animals spooked deaf to the commands of their masters.
The wind increased in its volume and strength.
The shepherds were filled with fear.
Light overshadowed the darkness
during the midst of night.
Within the light formed
the most beautiful soft
white and gold of human-like forms
shining against the sky.
The shepherd’s breath stopped in their throats.
Filled with excitement and happiness beyond their capacity to describe
their skin prickled.
Heavenly voices brought words to their ears
words singing of kindness
and anticipation to these men of the field.
The voices told of a special child that would
unlock the gates of fear and bring eternal love
to the future of the world.
This happened on a special night
a long long time ago. 




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