
Posts Tagged ‘Education and Enrichment’

Picture courtesy of Google Image search by walkoffthoughts.blogspot.com

Picture courtesy of Google Image search by walkoffthoughts.blogspot.com

This is a poem of advice to the young men out there.
It took me almost three-quarters of a century
to learn these many things about a woman.
First and most importantly
avoid at all costs
their flowing tears.
Tears to a woman
is another form of organism
for a woman.
Asking the question,
“Is everything all right or What’s wrong”
will only set-you-up for their frustrations.
You will become the target
of their own inner struggles with themselves.
The second most important thing
Do not make them the center of your world.
Create your own world
where you can find
inner peace and joy as a man.
Remembering these major outlooks in life
will render you many happy days as a man
in either a marriage or long-term relationship.
Knights in armor only do well
in movies and story books.

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