
Posts Tagged ‘New York City’

A Winter Scene from Cooperstown, N. Y.

Last year was a visit to the Carrol Clinic in Dallas.
My back and hip had been hurting me for some time.
The findings were not good.
A Class Four hip.
A crack in my spine bone.
Two disks in my spine fused together.
I knew when it happened.
A fall over ten years ago while attempting to trim a tree
in our front yard.
The fall at that time resulted in nine staples in my head
and eventual surgery on my knee.
The other injuries laid in wait.
My future in enjoying the rest of my life was in doubt
with the activities I enjoyed so much in my past.
My mind went back to Cooperstown in upstate New York.
I was sixteen and working the summer on a dairy farm.
It was part of the “Fresh Air Program” of New York City for young men.
I remembered the rolling hay wagon.
Throwing ninety pound bales of hay
eight tiers high on the wagon.
I remembered the muscles in my arms
my strong thin waist
with a tan equal to a black man.
We worked hard that Summer.
It was the “Haying Season.”
The work went fourteen hours a day
seven days a week for two and half months.
Looking back now
I now realize how really happy I was
each of those summer days in Cooperstown.  

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courtesy of life.com

The following poem was written on the afternoon of 9-11.  It relates to the sorrow and pain of our country losing loved ones in a senseless killing of innocence in the deaths of 2,973.

“Red, White and Blue” copyright 9-11-2001 John J. Rigo

Red, White and Blue are the colors before me on this day.

It will be a day remembered by numbers used to summon help.

Nine, One and One, bring only the recall of white dust,

rock, and twisted steel in a sea of sorrow.

Can these tears wash away the pain

that this day brings?

Tears shed for those we love and are no more.

I cry out for my Brothers and Sisters in the depth of pain

that befalls their hearts.

Could there be a greater sin,

then a day so dark?

I think not.

I pray for peace, comfort, and hope,

for the souls rejoined with my Lord this day.

Red, White and Blue,

I cling to thee for hope, peace,

and healing in Thee.

For Thou are the only One,

Who can bring sense to this gruesome day of pain.


Personal Story:  I was born and raised in New York City.  My younger, and only brother, Richard Rigo of Smithtown, New York worked as a building engineer within blocks of ground zero.  He commuted every day to his building in the city from Smithtown.

On the morning of the attacks, my concern was for his safety.  Blessfully, he was on his way to work when the attacks began.  He returned home safely.

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Courtesy of vi.sualize.us

It was an open house of a new resident in the community.
I sat on point near a corner of the room
a kind of observation post of those coming into the room.
There you stood looking at me from afar.
There was a blackberry in your hand texting someone.
You came and sat next to me.
You asked me if the room seemed warm.
You told me your hands were sweating.
I explained that I got a kind of butterflies when I met new people.
I learned through disciple long ago to overcome being uncomfortable.
Forty years in sales changes many things about an individual.
You could not be more than eighteen
brown hair and the deepest of brown eyes.
You kept looking a me strangely
like you had always knew me.
A memory came to my mind.
It was my childhood bride of eighteen.
You looked very much like her.
Her eyes were also Brown. 
I remembered how I felt about her.
I loved her in a special deep way.
There is something about a first love
that always makes it special in memories through life.
I saw her in you
the hair
the eyes
the way you smiled at me.
We talked of college and your first year.
The difficulties you were having with some of your studies.
You said goodby in a formal way and left.
It was like you leaving again.
I think of you often and those early days
in my life that we shared as two lost children together.
There always will be something special about you
and those days in my mind
many years ago.
Take care my love
wherever you may be this day.
Remember that I still think of you
and yes in my way
I still love you.

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“The Kiss before the Battle with Evil”
Picture Courtesy of pathguy.com

Commentary:  It is my belief that all creative writers look for markers along their writing journey that represent improvement in their craft.  This recent written poem is no exception in my almost thirty years of poetry writing.  Within the poem I see my belief in an afterlife,  I see myself as a warrior in defense against Evil representing my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  What a beautiful image to die and awake in such a place in one’s after life.  Thank you Lord for this life and all lives that will be ahead in eternity. 
I awoke
as from a sleep
of death.
Long gentle fingers
were rubbing my forehead
the side of my face
touching my lips.
As my eyes opened
I knew I was no longer
on my prior world of earth.
Before me I beheld
a beautiful maiden
of golden hair
skin of cream and light
eyes of blue/grey and gold.
There was no fear within me.
I was at a place where I was meant to be.
I was home in a castle of my Lord‘s place for me.
My eyes gazed upon my body.
Upon me where plates of armour.
Gold-Silver and various jewels
incrusted upon them.
As the maiden raised my head
I observed the symbols upon my breast-plate.
In the middle in Gold was a Lion.
On each side of it were Dragons
standing with their feet gently
touching the Lion.
Above the Lion
flew a Golden Eagle
with wings of silver.
My armour gleamed
from head to toe
in this beautiful creation.
What battle has my Lord
prepared for me in this place?
Who was this maiden
who touches me with a loving touch?
The maiden spoke,
“My Lord, Evil awaits for battle.
Prepare thyself.”

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courtesy of life.com

The following poem was written on the afternoon of 9-11.  It relates to the sorrow and pain of our country losing loved ones in a senseless killing of innocence in the deaths of 2,973.

“Red, White and Blue” copyright 9-11-2001 John J. Rigo

Red, White and Blue are the colors before me on this day.

It will be a day remembered by numbers used to summon help.

Nine, One and One, bring only the recall of white dust,

rock, and twisted steel in a sea of sorrow.

Can these tears wash away the pain

that this day brings?

Tears shed for those we love and are no more.

I cry out for my Brothers and Sisters in the depth of pain

that befalls their hearts.

Could there be a greater sin,

then a day so dark?

I think not.

I pray for peace, comfort, and hope,

for the souls rejoined with my Lord this day.

Red, White and Blue,

I cling to thee for hope, peace,

and healing in Thee.

For Thou are the only One,

Who can bring sense to this gruesome day of pain.


Personal Story:  I was born and raised in New York City.  My younger, and only brother, Richard Rigo of Smithtown, New York worked as a building engineer within blocks of ground zero.  He commuted every day to his building in the city from Smithtown.

On the morning of the attacks, my concern was for his safety.  Blessfully, he was on his way to work when the attacks began.  He returned home safely.

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Courtesy of picturesdepot.com

It seems just like yesterday that Elis died.
In all the years that have passed since that sad day
he is still in my heart.
His passion
his being
his songs spoke of my own feelings.
You see
I grew up with him.
I remember being blessed in seeing him in person.
It was Dallas 1975.
I had a tenth row seat.
I could see the sweat on his forehead.
For months afterward
I had dreams of that time
I got to spend with him.
There will never be another Elvis.

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Courtesy of vi.sualize.us

It was an open house of a new resident in the community.
I sat on point near a corner of the room
a kind of observation post of those coming into the room.
There you stood looking at me from afar.
There was a blackberry in your hand texting someone.
You came and sat next to me.
You asked me if the room seemed warm.
You told me your hands were sweating.
I explained that I got a kind of butterflies when I met new people.
I learned through disciple long ago to overcome being uncomfortable.
Forty years in sales changes many things about an individual.
You could not be more than eighteen
brown hair and the deepest of brown eyes.
You kept looking a me strangely
like you had always knew me.
A memory came to my mind.
It was my childhood bride of eighteen.
You looked very much like her.
Her eyes were also Brown. 
I remembered how I felt about her.
I loved her in a special deep way.
There is something about a first love
that always makes it special in memories through life.
I saw her in you
the hair
the eyes
the way you smiled at me.
We talked of college and your first year.
The difficulties you were having with some of your studies.
You said goodby in a formal way and left.
It was like you leaving again.
I think of you often and those early days
in my life that we shared as two lost children together.
There always will be something special about you
and those days in my mind
many years ago.
Take care my love
wherever you may be this day.
Remember that I still think of you
and yes in my way
I still love you.

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1927 Collin County Courthouse, McKinney Texas ...

1927 Collin County Courthouse, McKinney Texas Historical Marker (Photo credit: fables98)

The Old McKinney Square is gone.
The place of adventure and discovery
that I found as a young man in 1970.
My background was of one born in New York City.
I had no trinkets or heirlooms from my past.
Old decaying Brownstones in Harlem had no such things
especially from the poor family of an iron and steel worker.
I discovered the joy of collecting antiques
on the Old McKinney Square in those days.
The collecting became a passion for me
as I called each antique a precious find.
There was a magic in those crowded
dusty shelves
packed with hidden mystery.
Each shop owner
each dealer
became first name friends
with a smile and greeting
as I searched
a part of each day. 
It was about 2001
that my quests were no more
for you see
I ran out of space
for those treasures. 
Today in another April in 2013
added to my life.
I decided to again
visit my Old McKinney Square.
The warm friendly faces
that I once knew
where gone into the dusty trail of time.
The crowded shelves of discovery were no more.
The store fronts were new.
Their new chic names in Gold letters on them.
The antiques were new
made to look old.
They lacked a certain warmth
and history in their shiny new look.
My heart filled with sadness
for I then realized
I too would soon be gone.
The Old McKinney Square is gone
never remembered
but forgotten.
All my sweet memories
of joys past
will also be gone
into the eternal sunset.

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