
Posts Tagged ‘Receiving Catholic Communion with a Mortal Sin’


Courtesy of the Deacon’s Bench

He was an independent contractor
He represented himself as a practicing Catholic.
Each Sunday with bowed head he received Communion.
Each week he would collect from his customers
payment for placing thousands of flyers
on doors of homes and apartments.
At the end of each week
he would dump a third of those flyers
in the local recycle center.
His explanation was that by being dishonest
with his customers
was the only way he could
make a profit and care for his family. 
It is my guess that he did not fully understand
the ten commandments.
Especially the commandment that said
“Thou Shall Not Steal.”
Practicing Catholics consider stealing
of this nature a mortal sin.
With such a sin on one’s soul
disqualifies them from taking Communion.
The thief must take Confession for this sin
prior to being able to take Communion.
The forgiveness was given with the words
“Go and sin no more.”
This individual repeated the same sin
week after week for fourteen years.
The sin was one
he rarely shared with a  priest
on a regular weekly confession.
In fact he rarely went to confession.
Yet each week he could be found
with head bent in prayer
after receiving that sacred host in communion.
You ask me how I was so aware
of this regular affront of God’s law.
You see the man observed
was my own Brother.
I am proud to say
that by his own example
it has now been
forty-nine years
since I have been a Catholic.

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