
Posts Tagged ‘regrets’


Courtesy of lifeas5.com…… “Looking Back at our Journey”

One can not have lived close
to three-quarters of a century 
without looking back.
On this day I found myself looking back
at my own journey.
I believe no human can have lived a full life
without regrets.
There is a certain unfairness to life.
Wisdom seems to be the gift of the elderly.
It seemed lost to me in my own youth.
I am not proud to reveal
that I have known many woman in my life.
Many of them I did love
in my youthful way.
As I recall them in my own life
I look upon them
in my memories
with a giving and gentle heart.
I have learned in life 
we will only have one true love.
A love that accepted us
as we were.
Loved us totally
without a reserve held.
If we let that person
slip thru our fingers
it becomes a sorrow………….
we will always carry.
It is down the road that
our lack of wisdom becomes
clear to us in our choices in life.
Wherever you may be my Love
this day
know that I still Love you
in my heart and mind.
I wish you
from a far-away shore.

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Perhaps a good book to read before marrying that second partner?

Perhaps a good book to read before marrying that second partner?

The scene is familiar.
A local restaurant.
The couple came to enjoy breakfast.
A woman joins the couple.
She is unfamiliar to the husband.
Introductions are made.
During the course of conversation
between the wife and woman friend
mention is made of several occasions
where the husband of the wife
is made to look like a jerk. 
As the husband listens to these
indirect insults by his wife
his mind travels back to his youth.
Memories fill his mind
in recalled memories of his
first childhood bride
who always treated him
with pride before others. 
An inner voice rings in his head.
The voice tells him he lacked maturity
in keeping his childhood bride.
He now realizes he is at the end of his life.
He is now married to a Jerk for a wife.
Lord….save us from our own stupidity. 

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